Tuesday, April 20

day 1

Summer is making its eminent arrival very apparent here lately with temps flirting with 90, roads nearly free and clear of "winter visitors", and the start of swim lessons. Today was Alex's first day back with the fabulous Miss Shelley and well, let's just say he wasn't nearly as enthusiastic about it as I was. But nevermind because by the end of the summer I can almost guarantee he'll be swimming the length of the pool, she's that good. For the next few lessons though I think I might be bringing ear plugs for poor Miss Shelley, my fellow moms, and the neighbors...

1 comment:

Angie L said...

Poor little man. I'm sure that once he gets used to it, he'll be a little swimmer just like his dad. My first job was teaching swim lessons, and the screaming is just part of the territory, I'm sure it didn't phase Miss Shelley at all!