Wednesday, May 12

mother's day

Let me start by wishing all the moms in my life a belated Happy Mother's Day! I hope you all got spoiled rotten!!! Unfortunately for me Ben was out of town so I didn't get much in the way of special treatment -- at least not in the form of sleeping in or breakfast in bed. But I did get to spend the day with my beautiful boys and my own wonderful mom so that was plenty for me.

The boys got me some very sweet cards and two new vibrant shades of nail polish. Alex was so excited he couldn't wait for me to try one out and since I had just touched up my toes a couple of days before, he decided he wanted to spruce up his own nails. As God is my witness I swear this was all his idea. What can I say? The boy loves pink!

P.S. Ben did take me out for a fun evening the Friday before and even got me a fun new toy -- a Nook e-reader! So I did get a little spoiled...

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