It all started Christmas Eve when we attempted to go to church. We thought it would be fun to take Alex to this ridiculously large church in our old neighborhood because of all the over-the-top festivities they put on. Lo and behold apparently we weren't the only ones with the same idea as we were turned away from the overcrowded sanctuary which holds over 1,000 worshipers. Unfortunately it didn't look like Alex would withstand a 90 minute wait in addition to an hour-long service but he sure did enjoy the cookies, cocoa, petting "zoo", and snow (complete with sledding hill though he didn't go down it). Next time we will make sure to get there earlier!
We came home from our failed attempt at Christmas Eve church and had a delicious homemade pizza dinner, just the 3 of us. The next morning Alex was up before the sun (as usual) and we lounged in bed for as long as he would let us before venturing out to see if Santa had come. I was dying to know what Alex would run to first -- the pint-sized trike complete with airplane helmet and bike bell, Little People airport, or bulging stocking. The winner? His cozy coupe. You know, the one he got for his 1st birthday?
He must have played with it for a good 30 minutes before he even thought about moving on to something else. And trust me Ben and I were taunting him like no other. I finally got him interested in his stocking though. Here he is surrounded by all of his stocking loot and where is his attention? The airport.
I hate to break it to those of you who worked hard to give Alex THE Christmas gift but I have to say Great Grampa won that prize by a landslide. Alex went crazy for this thing, chanting "choo choo!" all afternoon and following it around the track. One of these days I'll get the video uploaded and share because it's priceless.
And a couple more from the day after with some of his other newly prized possessions just because they're so cute. Please excuse the aftermath scattered all over our living room.
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